General UI Elements header small text goes here...


Success!This is a success alert with an example link.

Alerts Color NEW

Primary alert with an example link.
Info alert with an example link.
Purple alert with an example link.
Indigo alert with an example link.
Success alert with an example link.
Green alert with an example link.
Lime alert with an example link.
Warning alert with an example link.
Yellow alert with an example link.
Danger alert with an example link.
Pink alert with an example link.
Dark alert with an example link.
Secondary alert with an example link.
Light alert with an example link.



Note with icon!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas id gravida libero. Etiam semper id sem a ultricies.

Note with right icon!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas id gravida libero. Etiam semper id sem a ultricies.

Note without icon!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas id gravida libero. Etiam semper id sem a ultricies.

Labels & Badges NEW

Badge pill
Badge square

Progress bar

App Settings
Dark Mode NEW
Adjust the appearance to reduce glare and give your eyes a break.
Header Fixed
Header Inverse
Sidebar Fixed
Sidebar Grid
Gradient Enabled
Admin Design (6)
Language Version (9)
Frontend Design (5)
DocumentationReset Local Storage