“Svelte + Vite JS Version” Documentation by “Sean Ngu” v5.5.0
Updated on: 12/March/2025
By: Sean Ngu
If you have any inquiries or require further assistance beyond what is covered in this help file,
please do not hesitate to send us a message
through Wrapbootstrap. We are more than happy to help.
Thank you very much!
Follow the following step to install the laravel in your localhost
You may refer to their official documentation for how to setup the development environment.
Setup Guide
<!-- run the following command --> cd /your-path-url/template_svelte npm install npm run dev <!-- browse the url --> http://localhost:5173/
Make sure node.js >= v22.x
and npm >= v11.x
has been installed on your localhost / server
File structure overview for Svelte Version
template_svelte/ ├── package.json ├── README.md ├── static/ ├── src/ │ ├── app.html │ ├── components/ │ ├── lib/ │ ├── routes/ │ ├── scss/ │ └── stores/ ├── svelte.config.js └── vite.config.js
Below is the code from /routes/+layout.svelte
which include the app header, sidebar, content, footer and theme panel. You may remove the component if you are not using it.
<script> import '/src/scss/svelte.scss'; import 'bootstrap-icons/font/bootstrap-icons.min.css'; import '@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css'; import 'perfect-scrollbar/css/perfect-scrollbar.css'; import { Body, classList, style } from 'svelte-body'; import AppLoader from '/src/components/app/AppLoader.svelte'; import AppHeader from '/src/components/app/AppHeader.svelte'; import AppSidebar from '/src/components/app/AppSidebar.svelte'; import AppSidebarRight from '/src/components/app/AppSidebarRight.svelte'; import AppTopMenu from '/src/components/app/AppTopMenu.svelte'; import AppThemePanel from '/src/components/app/AppThemePanel.svelte'; import { onMount } from 'svelte'; import { appOptions } from '/src/stores/appOptions.js'; import { appVariables, generateVariables } from '/src/stores/appVariables.js'; import { setPageTitle } from '$lib/utils'; function handleResize() { $appOptions.isMobile = window.innerWidth <= 768; // Adjust the threshold as needed } function handleScroll() { var scrollPosition = window.scrollY || window.pageYOffset; if (scrollPosition > 0) { $appOptions.hasScroll = true; } else { $appOptions.hasScroll = false; } } onMount(async () => { import('bootstrap'); $appVariables = generateVariables(); $appOptions.isInit = true; $appOptions.isMobile = window.innerWidth <= 768; window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize); window.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll); }); </script> <AppLoader /> <svelte:body use:classList={($appOptions.isInit ? 'app-init ' : '') + ($appOptions.appBoxedLayout ? 'boxed-layout ' : '')} /> <div id="app" class="app" class:app-gradient-enabled={$appOptions.appGradientEnabled} class:app-header-fixed={$appOptions.appHeaderFixed && !$appOptions.appHeaderHide} class:app-sidebar-fixed={$appOptions.appSidebarFixed && !$appOptions.appSidebarHide} class:app-sidebar-minified={$appOptions.appSidebarMinified && !$appOptions.appSidebarHide} class:app-sidebar-mobile-toggled={$appOptions.appSidebarMobileToggled} class:app-content-full-height={$appOptions.appContentFullHeight} class:app-without-sidebar={$appOptions.appSidebarHide} class:app-without-header={$appOptions.appHeaderHide} class:app-with-top-menu={$appOptions.appTopMenu} class:app-with-wide-sidebar={$appOptions.appSidebarWide} class:app-with-end-sidebar={$appOptions.appSidebarEnd} class:app-with-two-sidebar={$appOptions.appSidebarTwo} class:app-with-hover-sidebar={$appOptions.appSidebarHover} class:app-sidebar-end-toggled={$appOptions.appSidebarEndToggled && !$appOptions.isMobile} class:app-sidebar-end-mobile-toggled={$appOptions.appSidebarEndMobileToggled && $appOptions.isMobile} class:app-footer-fixed={$appOptions.appFooterFixed} class:has-scroll={$appOptions.hasScroll} > {#if !$appOptions.appHeaderHide}<AppHeader />{/if} {#if !$appOptions.appSidebarHide}<AppSidebar />{/if} {#if $appOptions.appSidebarTwo}<AppSidebarRight />{/if} {#if $appOptions.appTopMenu}<AppTopMenu />{/if} <AppThemePanel /> <div id="content" class="app-content{($appOptions.appContentClass) ? ' '+ $appOptions.appContentClass : ''}"> <slot /> </div> </div>
List of components inside the components folder
/src/components/ ├── app/ │ ├── AppFooter.svelte │ ├── AppHeader.svelte │ ├── AppHeaderMegaMenu.svelte │ ├── AppLoader.svelte │ ├── AppSidebar.svelte │ ├── AppSidebarRight.svelte │ ├── AppThemePanel.svelte │ ├── AppTopMenu.svelte │ └── NavScrollTo.svelte ├── bootstrap/ │ ├── Card.svelte │ ├── CardBody.svelte │ ├── CardExpandToggler.svelte │ ├── CardFooter.svelte │ ├── CardGroup.svelte │ ├── CardHeader.svelte │ ├── CardImgOverlay.svelte │ ├── CardSubtitle.svelte │ ├── CardText.svelte │ ├── CardTitle.svelte │ ├── Panel.svelte │ ├── PanelBody.svelte │ ├── PanelExpandToggler.svelte │ ├── PanelFooter.svelte │ ├── PanelGroup.svelte │ ├── PanelHeader.svelte │ ├── PanelImgOverlay.svelte │ ├── PanelTitle.svelte │ └── PanelToolbar.svelte └── plugins/ ├── Apexcharts.svelte ├── Chartjs.svelte ├── HighlightJs.svelte └── PerfectScrollbar.svelte
This template used svelte to create the store and share the states variable between the components. Store files can be found via /src/stores/
/src/stores/ ├─ appOptions.js // global app option states ├─ appSidebarMenus.js // global app sidebar menu list ├─ appTopMenuMenus.js // global app top menu menu list └─ appVariables.js // global app variable (fetched from css / font variables)
You can use the global app option from /stores/appOptions.js
<script> import { onMount, onDestroy } from 'svelte'; import { appOptions } from '/src/stores/appOptions.js'; onMount(async () => { // available app option $appOptions.appHeaderHide = false; $appOptions.appHeaderFixed = true; $appOptions.appHeaderInverse = false; $appOptions.appHeaderMegaMenu = false; $appOptions.appHeaderLanguageBar = false; $appOptions.appSidebarHide = false; $appOptions.appSidebarFixed = true; $appOptions.appSidebarGrid = false; $appOptions.appSidebarToggled = false; $appOptions.appSidebarMobileToggled = false; $appOptions.appSidebarTwo = false; $appOptions.appSidebarEnd = false; $appOptions.appSidebarEndToggled = false; $appOptions.appSidebarEndMobileToggled = false; $appOptions.appSidebarWide = false; $appOptions.appSidebarLight = false; $appOptions.appSidebarTransparent = false; $appOptions.appSidebarHover = false; $appOptions.appTopMenu = false; $appOptions.appContentFullHeight = false; $appOptions.appContentClass = ''; $appOptions.appFooterFixed = false; $appOptions.appBoxedLayout = false; $appOptions.appGradientEanbled = false; $appOptions.appThemePanelToggled = false }); onDestroy(() => { // set to default before leave the page $appOptions.appFooter = false; }); </script>
You can use the global app variables (css color / font family) from /stores/appVariables.js
<script> import { onMount, onDestroy } from 'svelte'; import { appVariables } from '/src/stores/appVariables.js'; let chart; function renderChart(appVariables) { // available font appVariables.font.bodyFontFamily; appVariables.font.bodyFontSize; appVariables.font.bodyFontWeight; appVariables.font.bodyLineHeight; // available color appVariables.color.theme; appVariables.color.themeRgb; appVariables.color.themeColor; appVariables.color.themeColorRgb; appVariables.color.default; appVariables.color.defaultRgb; appVariables.color.primary; appVariables.color.primaryRgb; appVariables.color.primaryBgSubtle; appVariables.color.primaryText; appVariables.color.primaryBorderSubtle; appVariables.color.secondary; appVariables.color.secondaryRgb; appVariables.color.secondaryBgSubtle; appVariables.color.secondaryText; appVariables.color.secondaryBorderSubtle; appVariables.color.success; appVariables.color.successRgb; appVariables.color.successBgSubtle; appVariables.color.successText; appVariables.color.successBorderSubtle; appVariables.color.warning; appVariables.color.warningRgb; appVariables.color.warningBgSubtle; appVariables.color.warningText; appVariables.color.warningBorderSubtle; appVariables.color.info; appVariables.color.infoRgb; appVariables.color.infoBgSubtle; appVariables.color.infoText; appVariables.color.infoBorderSubtle; appVariables.color.danger; appVariables.color.dangerRgb; appVariables.color.dangerBgSubtle; appVariables.color.dangerText; appVariables.color.dangerBorderSubtle; appVariables.color.light; appVariables.color.lightRgb; appVariables.color.lightBgSubtle; appVariables.color.lightText; appVariables.color.lightBorderSubtle; appVariables.color.dark; appVariables.color.darkRgb; appVariables.color.darkBgSubtle; appVariables.color.darkText; appVariables.color.darkBorderSubtle; appVariables.color.inverse; appVariables.color.inverseRgb; appVariables.color.white; appVariables.color.whiteRgb; appVariables.color.black; appVariables.color.blackRgb; appVariables.color.teal; appVariables.color.tealRgb; appVariables.color.indigo; appVariables.color.indigoRgb; appVariables.color.purple; appVariables.color.purpleRgb; appVariables.color.yellow; appVariables.color.yellowRgb; appVariables.color.pink; appVariables.color.pinkRgb; appVariables.color.cyan; appVariables.color.cyanRgb; appVariables.color.gray100; appVariables.color.gray200; appVariables.color.gray300; appVariables.color.gray400; appVariables.color.gray500; appVariables.color.gray600; appVariables.color.gray700; appVariables.color.gray800; appVariables.color.gray900; appVariables.color.gray100Rgb; appVariables.color.gray200Rgb; appVariables.color.gray300Rgb; appVariables.color.gray400Rgb; appVariables.color.gray500Rgb; appVariables.color.gray600Rgb; appVariables.color.gray700Rgb; appVariables.color.gray800Rgb; appVariables.color.gray900Rgb; appVariables.color.muted; appVariables.color.mutedRgb; appVariables.color.emphasisColor; appVariables.color.emphasisColorRgb; appVariables.color.bodyBg; appVariables.color.bodyBgRgb; appVariables.color.bodyColor; appVariables.color.bodyColorRgb; appVariables.color.headingColor; appVariables.color.secondaryColor; appVariables.color.secondaryColorRgb; appVariables.color.secondaryBg; appVariables.color.secondaryBgRgb; appVariables.color.tertiaryColor; appVariables.color.tertiaryColorRgb; appVariables.color.tertiaryBg; appVariables.color.tertiaryBgRgb; appVariables.color.linkColor; appVariables.color.linkColorRgb; appVariables.color.linkHoverColor; appVariables.color.linkHoverColorRgb; appVariables.color.borderColor; appVariables.color.borderColorTranslucent; } onMount(async () => { unsubscribe = appVariables.subscribe(value => { if (value.color) { chart = renderChart(value); } }); }); onDestroy(() => { if (unsubscribe) { unsubscribe(); } }); </script> <!-- html --> {#if chart} // do your thing here {/if}
Set the app sidebar menu list from from /stores/appSidebarMenus.js
// single level structure { 'url': '/', 'icon': 'fa fa-sitemap', 'text': 'Dashboard' }, // multi level structure { 'icon': 'fa fa-envelope', 'text': 'Email', 'children': [{ 'url': '/email/inbox', 'action': 'Inbox', 'text': 'Inbox' }, { 'url': '/email/compose', 'action': 'Compose', 'text': 'Compose' }, { 'url': '/email/detail', 'action': 'Detail', 'text': 'Detail' }] }
The default theme color is set to the teal
color. You may change it from /src/scss/default/_variables.scss
// LINE 100 $theme: $teal !default;
<AppThemePanel />
component from /routes/+layout.svelte
If you wish to enable the dark mode instead, you can easily do so by adding the data-bs-theme="dark"
attribute to the HTML tag in /src/app.html
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> </html>to
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" data-bs-theme="dark"> </html>
With this example, the data-bs-theme="dark"
attribute has been added to html tag. This will enable the dark mode to the entire page.
If you want to apply light / dark mode to a single component only, you can add the data-bs-theme="dark|light"
attribute to that component.
<Panel data-bs-theme="dark"> <PanelBody> <!-- your component content here --> </PanelBody> </Panel>
.@import 'apple/styles';
.<script nomodule src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/ionicons/ionicons.js"></script>
<div class="menu-icon"> <ion-icon name="pulse-outline" class="bg-gradient-blue"></ion-icon> </div>
.@import 'facebook/styles';
.... appHeaderInverse: true, // LINE 10 ...
.@import 'transparent/styles';
next to the <body>
tag in template_svelte/src/app.html
.<body> <!-- BEGIN page-cover --> <div class="app-cover"></div> <!-- END page-cover --> ... </body>
.@import 'google/styles';
<div class="menu-icon"> <i class="material-icons">home</i> </div>
.... appSidebarWide: true, // LINE 23 appSidebarLight: true, // LINE 24 ...
.<!-- BEGIN #header --> <div id="header" class="app-header"> <!-- BEGIN navbar-header --> <div class="navbar-header"> <button type="button" class="navbar-desktop-toggler"> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> </button> <button type="button" class="navbar-mobile-toggler"> ... </button> <a class="navbar-brand"> Color Admin </a> </div> <!-- END navbar-header --> ... </div>
.@import 'material/styles';
<div class="menu-icon"> <i class="material-icons">home</i> </div>
.... appSidebarWide: true, // LINE 23 ...
.<!-- BEGIN #header --> <div id="header" class="app-header"> <!-- BEGIN navbar-header --> <div class="navbar-header"> <button type="button" class="navbar-desktop-toggler"> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> </button> <button type="button" class="navbar-mobile-toggler"> ... </button> <a class="navbar-brand"> Color Admin </a> </div> <!-- END navbar-header --> ... </div>
AND REMOVE the default .navbar-form
.<!-- BEGIN #header --> <div id="header" class="app-header"> <!-- BEGIN header-nav --> <div class="navbar-nav"> <div class="navbar-item"> <a href="#" class="navbar-link icon"> <i class="material-icons">search</i> </a> <!-- REMOVE IT --> <div class="navbar-item navbar-form"> ... </div> </div> ... </div> <!-- END header-nav --> <div class="navbar-floating-form"> <button class="search-btn" type="submit"><i class="material-icons">search</i></button> <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search Something..." /> <a href="#" class="close"> <i class="material-icons">close</i> </a> </div> </div>
in template_svelte/src/app.html
.<!-- BEGIN #loader --> <div id="loader" class="app-loader"> <div class="material-loader"> <svg class="circular" viewBox="25 25 50 50"> <circle class="path" cx="50" cy="50" r="20" fill="none" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"></circle> </svg> <div class="message">Loading...</div> </div> </div> <!-- END #loader -->
To enable RTL mode, follow these steps:
file in your code editor.$enable-rtl
variable and change its value to true:
$enable-rtl: true;This will enable RTL mode for your application.
Global Variables
The /src/scss/default/_variables.scss
file contains the variables that control the styles of your application.
To edit these variables, navigate to the /src/scss/default/_variables.scss
file in your code editor and modify the values of the variables to suit your needs.
<!-- global variable --> /src/scss/default/_variables.scss
Dark Mode Variables
The /src/scss/default/_variables-dark.scss
file contains the variables that control the styles for dark mode.
These variables are used in conjunction with the variables in the /src/scss/default/_variables.scss
file to provide different values for light and dark modes.
<!-- dark mode variable --> /src/scss/default/_variables-dark.scss
We have created the common re-usable Panel
bootstrap component for this template. You may found the panel component via /src/components/bootstrap/
//usage <Panel> <PanelHeader>...</PanelHeader> <PanelBody>...</PanelBody> <PanelFooter>...</PanelFooter> </Panel>
You may use the default bootstrap data attribute like data-bs-toggle="dropdown"
OR import the required modules from bootstrap.
// usage example <script> import { onMount } from 'svelte'; onMount(async () => { let bootstrap = await import('bootstrap'); new bootstrap.ScrollSpy(document.body, { target: '#sidebar-bootstrap', offset: 200 }); }); </script>
Below is the list of package that has been installed in this project. You may use the following example to find the package from their official website.
{ "name": "color-admin", "version": "5.5.0", "private": true, "scripts": { "dev": "vite dev", "build": "vite build", "preview": "vite preview" }, "devDependencies": { "@iconify/svelte": "^4.2.0", "@sveltejs/adapter-auto": "^4.0.0", "@sveltejs/adapter-static": "^3.0.8", "@sveltejs/kit": "^2.19.0", "svelte": "^5.22.6", "vite": "^6.2.1" }, "type": "module", "dependencies": { "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free": "^6.7.2", "@fullcalendar/bootstrap": "^6.1.15", "@fullcalendar/common": "^5.11.5", "@fullcalendar/core": "^6.1.15", "@fullcalendar/daygrid": "^6.1.15", "@fullcalendar/interaction": "^6.1.15", "@fullcalendar/list": "^6.1.15", "@fullcalendar/timegrid": "^6.1.15", "@picmo/popup-picker": "^5.8.5", "@tiptap/core": "^2.11.5", "@tiptap/pm": "^2.11.5", "@tiptap/starter-kit": "^2.11.5", "apexcharts": "4.5", "awesomplete": "^1.1.7", "bootstrap": "^5.3.3", "bootstrap-icons": "^1.11.3", "bootstrap-social": "^5.1.1", "chart.js": "^4.4.8", "datatables.net-bs5": "^2.2.2", "datatables.net-buttons": "^3.2.2", "datatables.net-buttons-bs5": "^3.2.2", "datatables.net-fixedcolumns": "^5.0.4", "datatables.net-fixedcolumns-bs5": "^5.0.4", "datatables.net-responsive": "^3.0.4", "datatables.net-responsive-bs5": "^3.0.4", "flag-icons": "^7.3.2", "flatpickr": "^4.6.13", "imask": "^7.6.1", "jquery": "^3.7.1", "jsvectormap": "^1.6.0", "jszip": "^3.10.1", "lity": "^2.4.1", "masonry-layout": "^4.2.2", "moment": "^2.30.1", "pdfmake": "^0.2.18", "perfect-scrollbar": "^1.5.6", "photoswipe": "^5.4.4", "quill": "^2.0.3", "sass": "1.63.6", "simple-line-icons": "^2.5.5", "svelte-apexcharts": "^1.0.2", "svelte-autocomplete": "^0.0.4", "svelte-body": "^2.0.0", "svelte-color-picker": "^1.0.7", "svelte-highlight": "^7.8.2", "svelte-select": "^5.8.3", "svelte-tags-input": "^6.0.2" } }