Intro JS header small text goes here...



Step-by-step guide and feature introduction

View Official Website
No dependencies, fast and small

10KB JavaScript and 2.5KB CSS, that's all (minified, gzipped).


Navigate using keyboard or mouse. Easily change the themes for your website.

Browser compatibility

Works on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari and even Internet Explorer.


Progress bar

Add progress-bar to your step-by-step introduction. It's as easy as adding .setOption('showProgress', true) option to your Intro.js instance.



Hints enables you to add additional descriptions to any part of a web page. You can define hints by adding data-hint attribute to the HTML elements.


Enable/disable options

You can enable or disable options like buttons, progress-bar and bullets by calling the setOption('showBullets', false) function and pass option name.

App Settings
Dark Mode NEW
Adjust the appearance to reduce glare and give your eyes a break.
Header Fixed
Header Inverse
Sidebar Fixed
Gradient Enabled
Admin Design (6)
Language Version (9)
Frontend Design (5)
Documentation Reset Local Storage