Bootstrap 5 responsive admin template
documented by Sean Ngu
Last Updated on: 20/December/2024
By: Sean Ngu
Thank you for purchasing my theme. I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist.
Download the .NET Core SDK from official website and install on your machine.
If you are using dotnet cli, run the following command:
cd /your-path-url/asp_studio_v4.5/template_asp/AspStudio/ dotnet run // if you are using hot reload, use the following command dotnet watch run
If you are using visual studio, just double click the AspStudio.sln
inside the template folder. You may download the latest version of Visual studio from here.
File structure overview for AspStudio - .NET Core 8.0 MVC
template_asp/ ├── AspStudio.sln └── AspStudio/ ├── Areas/ // asp identity ├── bin/ ├── Controllers/ ├── Data/ ├── Models/ ├── obj/ ├── Properties/ ├── src/ ├── Views/ // scss / img / js source file ├── wwwroot/ // generated css / js / img file ├── app.db ├── gulpfile.js // gulp setting files ├── appsettings.development.json ├── appsettings.json ├── package.json ├── sidebar.json // sidebar menu structure ├── Program.cs └── AspStudio.csproj
Below is the general page structure for /Views/Shared/Layout.cshtml
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" @ViewData["HtmlAttribute"]> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>AspStudio | @ViewData["Title"]</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta name="description" content="@ViewData["MetaDescription"]"> <meta name="author" content="@ViewData["MetaAuthor"]"> <meta name="keywords" content="@ViewData["MetaKeywords"]"> @RenderSection("MetaTag", required: false) <!-- ================== BEGIN core-css ================== --> <link href="~/css/vendor.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="~/css/app.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- ================== END core-css ================== --> @RenderSection("Styles", required: false) </head> <body class="@ViewData["BodyClass"]"> <!-- BEGIN #app --> <div id="app" class="app @ViewData["AppClass"]"> @if (ViewData["AppWithoutHeader"] == null) { <partial name="_Header" /> } @if (ViewData["AppTopNav"] != null) { <partial name="_TopNav" /> } @if (ViewData["AppWithoutSidebar"] == null) { <partial name="_Sidebar" /> } @if (ViewData["AppWithoutContainer"] == null) { <div id="content" class="app-content @ViewData["AppContentClass"]"> @RenderBody() <!-- BEGIN btn-scroll-top --> <a href="#" data-click="scroll-top" class="btn-scroll-top fade"> <i class="fa fa-arrow-up"></i> </a> <!-- END btn-scroll-top --> </div> } else { @RenderBody() <!-- BEGIN btn-scroll-top --> <a href="#" data-click="scroll-top" class="btn-scroll-top fade"> <i class="fa fa-arrow-up"></i> </a> <!-- END btn-scroll-top --> } @RenderSection("OutterAppContainerContent", required: false) @if (ViewData["AppWithFooter"] != null) { <partial name="_Footer" /> } <partial name="_ThemePanel" /> </div> <!-- ================== BEGIN core-js ================== --> <script> window.paceOptions = { ajax: { ignoreURLs: ['mainHub', '__browserLink', 'browserLinkSignalR'], trackWebSockets: false } }; </script> <script src="~/js/vendor.min.js"></script> <script src="~/js/app.min.js"></script> <!-- ================== END core-js ================== --> @RenderSection("Scripts", required: false) </body> </html>
Below is the list of supported variable / setting in shared page.
Variable | Usage |
ViewData["HtmlAttribute"] |
Set the attribute for html tag |
ViewData["MetaDescription"] |
Set the variable for meta description |
ViewData["MetaAuthor"] |
Set the variable for meta author |
ViewData["MetaKeywords"] |
Set the variable for meta keywords |
ViewData["Title"] |
Set the page title for individual page |
ViewData["BodyClass"] |
Add css class to the body tag |
ViewData["AppClass"] |
Add css class to the .app container |
ViewData["AppContentClass"] |
Add css class to the .app-content container |
ViewData["AppWithoutHeader"] |
Set to true if you wish to remove header |
ViewData["AppWithoutSidebar"] |
Set to true if you wish to remove sidebar |
ViewData["AppWithoutContainer"] |
Set to true if you wish to render the page content without .app-content container |
ViewData["AppFooter"] |
Set to true if you wish to add the footer to the page |
ViewData["AppTopNav"] |
Set to true if you wish to add the top nav to the page |
Below is the list of supported section in shared page.
Section | Usage |
@section MetaTag { |
A way to add extra meta tag in individual page |
@section Styles { |
A way to add extra css files in individual page |
@section Scripts { |
A way to add extra js files in individual page |
@section OutterAppContainerContent { |
A way to put the content outside .app container |
All the css files used in AspStudio has been compiled into one single files vendor.min.css
and AspStudio core css is compiled into app.min.css
by using gulp. Below is the list of library included in app.min.css. You may change the setting in gulpfile.js
if you wish to add / remove library from app.min.css.
<!-- core-css --> <link href="~/css/vendor.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="~/css/app.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- OR without vendor.min.css --> <link href="~/lib/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="~/lib/bootstrap-icons/font/bootstrap-icons.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="~/lib/jquery-ui-dist/jquery-ui.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="assets/plugins/animate.css/animate.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="assets/plugins/pace-js/themes/black/pace-theme-flash.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="assets/plugins/perfect-scrollbar/css/perfect-scrollbar.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="assets/css/app.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- core-css required folder --> /wwwroot/css /wwwroot/webfonts
This theme compiles 6 javascript library into one single file app.min.js
and AspStudio core js is compiled into app.min.js
by using gulp. Below is the list of library included in app.min.js. You may change the setting in gulpfile.js
if you wish to add / remove library from app.min.js.
Sidebar minified:
@{ ViewData["AppClass"] = "app-sidebar-minified"; }
Full height:
@{ ViewData["AppClass"] = "app-content-full-height"; }
Full width:
@{ ViewData["AppClass"] = "app-content-full-width"; ViewData["AppWithoutSidebar"] = true; }
Fixed footer:
@{ ViewData["AppClass"] = "app-footer-fixed"; ViewData["AppWithFooter"] = true; }
Boxed Layout
@{ ViewData["BodyClass"] = "app-with-bg"; ViewData["AppClass"] = "app-boxed-layout"; }
Top Nav (without sidebar)
@{ ViewData["AppClass"] = "app-with-top-nav app-without-sidebar"; ViewData["AppTopNav"] = true; ViewData["AppWithoutSidebar"] = true; }
Top Nav (without header)
@{ ViewData["AppClass"] = "app-with-top-nav app-without-header"; ViewData["AppTopNav"] = true; ViewData["AppWithoutHeader"] = true; }
Mixed Nav
@{ ViewData["AppClass"] = "app-with-top-nav"; ViewData["AppTopNav"] = true; }
Mixed Nav Boxed Layout
@{ ViewData["BodyClass"] = "app-with-bg"; ViewData["AppClass"] = "app-with-top-nav app-boxed-layout"; ViewData["AppTopNav"] = true; }
Add the theme to the <body>
tag in /Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml
in order to change the theme color.
<body class="theme-red">...</body> <body class="theme-pink">...</body> <body class="theme-orange">...</body> <body class="theme-yellow">...</body> <body class="theme-lime">...</body> <body class="theme-green">...</body> <body class="theme-teal">...</body> <body class="theme-cyan">...</body> <body class="theme-blue">...</body> <body class="theme-purple">...</body> <body class="theme-indigo">...</body> <body class="theme-black">...</body> <body class="theme-gray-100">...</body> <body class="theme-gray-200">...</body> <body class="theme-gray-300">...</body> <body class="theme-gray-400">...</body> <body class="theme-gray-500">...</body> <body class="theme-gray-600">...</body> <body class="theme-gray-700">...</body> <body class="theme-gray-800">...</body> <body class="theme-gray-900">...</body>
OR set the primary theme color from scss /src/scss/_variables.scss
<!-- LINE 83--> $theme: $red !default; $theme: $pink !default; $theme: $orange !default; $theme: $yellow !default; $theme: $lime !default; $theme: $green !default; $theme: $teal !default; $theme: $cyan !default; $theme: $blue !default; $theme: $purple !default; $theme: $indigo !default; $theme: $gray-200 !default;
If you wish to enable the dark mode instead, you can easily do so by adding the data-bs-theme="dark"
attribute to the HTML tag.
This will enable the default dark mode and disable the light mode theme.
Please note that once you add the data-bs-theme="dark"
the dark mode theme will persist even if the user refreshes the page or navigates to a different page within the application.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> </html>to
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" data-bs-theme="dark"> </html>
With this example, the data-bs-theme="dark"
attribute has been added from html tag. This will enable the dark mode to the entire page.
If you want to apply dark / light mode to a single component only, you can add the data-bs-theme="dark|light"
attribute to that component.
<div class="card" data-bs-theme="dark"> <div class="card-body"> <!-- your component content here --> </div> </div>
To enable RTL mode, follow these steps:
file in your code editor.$enable-rtl
variable and change its value to true:
$enable-rtl: true;This will enable RTL mode for your application.
gulp cssThis will regenerate the app.min.css file with the changes you made to the
Global Variables
The /src/_variables.scss
file contains the variables that control the styles of your application.
To edit these variables, navigate to the /src/_variables.scss
file in your code editor and modify the values of the variables to suit your needs.
<!-- global variable --> /src/_variables.scss
Dark Mode Variables
The /src/_variables-dark.scss
file contains the variables that control the styles for dark mode.
These variables are used in conjunction with the variables in the /src/_variables.scss
file to provide different values for light and dark modes.
<!-- dark mode variable --> /src/_variables-dark.scss
If you wish to enable the gulp compilation during debug / release process, kindly add the following code in AspStudio.csproj
// add the following code <Target Name="MyPreCompileTarget" BeforeTargets="Build"> <Exec Command="gulp" /> </Target>
You may run the following command to generate
the plugins files in /lib folder
cd /your-path-url/asp_studio_v4.5/template_asp/AspStudio/ npm install gulp plugins
I've used the following images, icons or other files as listed.
jQuery Plugins